Corken Sliding Vane Pumps

Corken Sliding Vane Pumps

  • Original ten blade design with no blade drivers
  • Mechanical seal with new silicon carbide seal seat
  • O-ring construction throughout the pump
  • Internal relief valve is pre-set at the factory and is not adjustable
  • Designed for propane, butane, and ammonia

Coro-Vane® LPG Sliding Vane Pumps

521 and 1021 Model Sliding Vane Pumps

Corken standard sliding vane pumps utilize the original ten blade design with no blade drivers.  The mechanical seal now has a silicon carbide seal seat providing maximum leakage control and is approved for propane, butane, and agricultural ammonia. Suitable for bulk pump transfer and propane delivery truck applications. Available in 2” and 3” sizes.
  • Original ten blade design with no blade drivers
  • Mechanical seal with new silicon carbide seal seat
  • O-ring construction throughout the pump
  • Internal relief valve is pre-set at the factory and is not adjustable
  • Designed for propane, butane, and ammonia